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Engine hotfire test completed for SpaceX’s first launch since explosion

Engine hotfire test completed for SpaceX’s first launch since explosion

Engine hotfire test completed for SpaceX’s first launch since explosion

Collins Aerospace completes key spacesuit testing milestone

Collins Aerospace completes key spacesuit testing milestone

Astronauts who work onboard the U.S. side of the International Space Station are one step closer to getting new spacesuits

The first long-term LiDAR satellite mission CALIPSO has ended

The first long-term LiDAR satellite mission CALIPSO has ended

在 17 年的运行中,云气溶胶激光雷达和红外探路者卫星观测记录了超过 100 亿次激光雷达测量结果,并为数千份科学报告提供了信息。CALIPSO 由 NASA 和法国国家空间研究中心/CNES 联合发射,并与 CloudSat 卫星上的云剖面雷达系统配合使用。

The Arctic sea ice is the sixth lowest on record; Growth in the Antarctic region hit a historic low

The Arctic sea ice is the sixth lowest on record; Growth in the Antarctic region hit a historic low

与此同时,南极海冰在 9 月 10 日达到了有记录以来的最低最大范围,而此时冰盖在最黑暗和最寒冷的月份里本应以更快的速度增长。

NASA Holds OSIRIS-REx Sample Laboratory Media Day in Houston

NASA Holds OSIRIS-REx Sample Laboratory Media Day in Houston

NASA 在休斯顿举办 OSIRIS-REx 样本实验室媒体日

NASA satellites help Türkiye and Syria respond to earthquakes

NASA satellites help Türkiye and Syria respond to earthquakes



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